How do countries around the world stack up when it comes to internet access? SpudnikLab looks at Australia and India in the first post in this series on obstacles to the digital divide.
As Meta removes Whatsapp support for KaiOS feature phones, where does that leave users of these affordable mobile devices?
How much data can you buy for the equivalent cost of a typical meal in these ten Asian countries? SpudnikLab investigates.
Here’s a list of charity campaigns you can support in Singapore, to help people improve their digital access and know-how.
Retro cool KaiOS phones run only one app at a time, which means freedom from endless notifications and multitasking, for one. So gift them to loved ones or yourself this festive season!
Android and iOS aren’t the only mobile operating systems out there. There's also KaiOS, launched in 2017, based on open source technologies free for public use, making it possible to bring the internet to more people around the world.
A thriving online classroom requires a new skill set for teachers, many of whom are digitally illiterate and face digital anxiety. The first step of a solution is the willingness to change.
In pandemic times, the ideal of online learning through technological capability remains, for some, just an ideal.
How some groups are working to close the gap between the digital haves and have-nots, in the city-state purported to be the technology capital of Asia, one laptop at a time.