The new Kobi web app helps KaiOS feature phone users get more out of apps, and more out of life


The new Kobi web app helps KaiOS feature phone users get more out of apps, and more out of life

August 16, 2021

Many users of KaiOS smart feature phones are new to the internet. They’re entering the digital landscape through their KaiOS devices for the first time, and we know how mind-boggling that can be. Besides popular apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, YouTube and Google Maps that come preloaded in KaiOS phones—let’s be honest, Facebook alone can seem overwhelming to a non-digital native—there’s the plethora of apps on the KaiOS app store to get your head around too.

Enter Kobi. 

What is Kobi?

Kobi is a helpful little web-app that does one simple thing—review KaiOS apps. 

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Kobi–A little leatherback turtle on a mission to improve lives, one KaiOS app review at a time
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The Kobi web app reviews apps in the KaiOS app store and sorts them into categories including Education, Health and Games.

Kobi lets KaiOS users know which apps are worth downloading, and which aren’t

Kobi is represented by a little leatherback turtle, and Kobi’s on a mission to review the apps on the Kai store on KaiOS phones, so the people using these feature phones have some friendly recommendations on which apps are well-designed, easy to navigate and helpful in various areas of life. 

Many users of KaiOS devices don’t have an internet connection at home from broadband internet subscriptions. Instead, they depend on mobile data plans and getting wifi where they can to surf the net and download and use apps. Kobi aims to help them save data, money and time by sharing the experiences of real life KaiOS app reviewers.

The Kobi web app is also useful to those already familiar with what apps are, but would appreciate some first hand recommendations on which KaiOS apps are worth downloading and learning to use. 

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Read or listen to Kobi's reviews for apps like Covid-19 Stats.
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Does the KaiOS app work offline? Does it work well? Is it easy to use? Kobi tells it like it is.

Simple categories make sifting through Kobi’s app reviews easy 

Apps in the KaiOS app store come under categories including Social, Games, Utilities, Lifestyle, Health and Books/ Reference. The Kobi web-app simplifies these into the categories of Education, Health, Communication, Fun, Games, Money, Tools and News.

Kobi reviews help app developers too 

Kobi’s reviews describe the experience of using the app, including navigation and how easy it is to learn to use it, its offline capability, design and how much memory it needs. Reviews on Kobi point out the apps which are poorly designed or conceptualised, so users can choose to give these a miss.

In the process, developers can be alerted to these issues too and take the opportunity to fix them. 

You can explore the beta version of Kobi 

We’re inviting you to check out the Kobi web app right now! For a sneak peek at the beta site, go to

Follow SpudnikLab on social media for Kobi the turtle’s latest adventures and KaiOS app reviews!

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